Baby Bump on Lockdown!!!!

Seems our language, American English, is indeed being slowly destroyed from within as if some sort of ignorant 5th columnists are at work night and day. I remember cringing the first time I hear "preggers" years ago. Euphamisms are silly and childish and adults who use them who are not in the company of actual children are in fact adult children. Cutsie poo crap drives me nuts. A few years ago the so-called tabloid media began describing pregnant celebrities as having a "baby bump", which is just stupid! Grow up!
The Lockdown fetish.
I have noticed a lot of references to "lockdown" nearing some sort of obsession, as in, there should be some enterprising web-czar making a Lockdown monitoring service where you get "e-mail alerts" about who, what and where is currently on "Lockdown". What school, neighborhood or office is being plagued by criminals and those unlucky enough to be on the scene are denied their freedom of movement since, they are guilty until proven innocent. Cable TV news is the worst offender shrieking how some elementary school in East Bumlick is on "lockdown" because some idiot scribbled "Death to jocks!" on a bathroom wall...
Labels: Baby Bump Lockdown Preggers Pregnant School Shootings Cable TV News
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