The Movie That Never was...
In July of 2001 there were reports that Aaron Feldman has sold his movie script for "The American" to Vivendi's StudioCanal and the Artists Production Group. The premise was that a newbie at a "think tank" looking into terrorist funding discovers a high-level conspiracy within the CIA... Hmmm... in the same way the film "Fight Club" could probably not be made post-9/11, so this work was seemingly stillborn and shelved. In "Fight Club" the finale is when the domestic terrorists organized by the duality of Brad Pitt's and Ed Norton's characters within the same body blow up using homemade soap/explosives all the credit card companies in an orgy of anti-capitalist destruction set to the song, "Where is my mind?" by The Pixies.
I would like to read that script Mr. Feldman wrote, I am sure there are some very interesting ideas in there that are still relevent.
"Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind"
- Frank Black
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