Friday, February 03, 2006

We have nothing to fear but... more cartoons!

OK, the recent Tom Toles/Washington Post cartoon of Rumsfeld bedside with a quadraplegic saying he is "battle hardened"
has flipped out the thought police and culture coppers... tweaking these thin-skinned nit-wits and overly sensitive types during a "time of war" is like shooting pork in a barrel in Washington D.C.!

Go ahead, ban them and fire the artists... we must surely destroy freedom of expression to save our nation, right?
It would be double plus ungood to do otherwise brother!

Finally this one with Bush flying a plane into twin towers labeled "Social" and "Security"...

If there is such danger in these pen and ink images, then I am out the door and on my way to the art supply store to start my own brand of editorial cartooning to make it plain we are not going to be swayed from being critical of a suspect domestic fascist paranoid regime seeing real and imagined enemies everywhere...

There are a few other sites free thinking un-brainwashed folks may enjoy...

The Students for an Orwellian Society

and The Propaganda Remix Project

Here is a Seinfeld-esque send up of Rummy resides here...
