Vanity Fair does it again...

I used to dwell with the Tin Foil Hat-N-Black Helicopter crowd... oh it was SO very easy to spin out tales of CIA-Mafia conspiricies to off any number of great people, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, RFK, MLK, E. Howard Hunt's wife, Cord Meyer's ex-wife, and plenty more. As time went on I realized a few things. One was that, for me, I gained a measure of solace from being convinced (through my own research and that of reliable investigators) that the plot to kill JFK was; 1. Apolitical, 2. Pre-existing to his Presidency and, 3. Quite small.
Hard to believe, I know!
Unlike the "everyone including the Secret Service" theory of Oliver Stone et al, I came to the reasoned conclusion that there was a group within the U.S. Government that was up to "something" (probably heroin smuggling from S.E. Asia) and that they would have had problems with any President that crossed their path.
In this case it was John F. Kennedy, but it could also have been Richard M. Nixon... ( I know, I know...) BUT... my theory has some advantages in that it dovetails nicely with known facts and is elegant in it's simplicity.
Vanity Fair magazine has often published excerpts from books (Anthony Summers' 'Official and Confidential' about J. Edgar Hoover) and from on-going research, such as that into the Iran-Contra Affair - 'A Crash in the Limo Lane' Dominick Dunne on Adnan Khashoggi (September 1989).
This time they reviewed the new book, Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination,' by Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron.
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