Friday, November 21, 2008

Eat The Rich!

"Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch."
- Krokus

I was in a waiting room recently and got to see the latest issue of Town And Country magaaine... I know there is a lot of anger at stupid rich greedy people due to the economy being in the crapper, so I paged through the glossy upscale mag with an eye towards the truly egregious examples of waste and frivolity and was not disappointed!
One page 219 of the December issue were photos of some of the wares of Bottega Veneta... including a folding camp stool for, get this... $4,300!
I can't imagine why poor people hate the rich...



At 4:16 PM, Blogger good days said...

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ارخص شركات نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة
How to loaD a renteD truck like a pro
What items shoulD Be loaDeD first? Your fully pACkeD anD properly laBeleD moving Boxes shoulD Be loaDeD first into the renteD truck. شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياضStACk them vertically anD go higher anD higher against the BACk of the moving vehicle. Make sure the heaviest Boxes stay at the Bottom anD the lighter anD more fragile ones go on the top. افضل شركة تخزين عفش بالرياض
Your large furniture pieces are next – lay a moving Blanket on the floor, loaD any mattresses or Box springs anD plACe them vertically By the Boxes anD secure them to the siDe wall. Also, get in the rest of your furniture piece By piece (Dressers, couches, sofas, etc.) anD strap them to the siDe walls as well. The usual Damage on the roaD occurs when heavy items ruB against eACh other, so Be sure to wrap the exposeD surfACes with moving Blankets, BuBBle wrap or olD pieces of clothing for extra protection of your valuaBle possessions. شركة نقل عفش بينبع

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At 2:45 PM, Blogger anosh said...

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At 2:53 PM, Blogger anosh said...

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