As the crow flies?
Funny thing how you can look at a map and see things previously unseen. In the Middle East we (the US of F-ing A!) are now on both sides of a pre-nuclear armed Iran. We have sizeable troops in both Afghanistan (BurqaStan) to the east and in Iraq (The Shit) to the west. Further west is Jordan and beyond that Israel. A recent discussion of concussion bombs (an aerosolized air-fuel mixture that is dispersed over a wide area and ignited) led to talk of the secret Israeli 'stealth' plane program and finally connecting the dots to how the requirements of a mission to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities are partially met by having the airspace over Iraq in friendly hands... so while some of our helicopters are being shot at by our ally Pakistan, I doubt anything would happen to an Israeli air force plane should it need to fly over Iraq to it's date with destiny - 30 Seconds Over Tehran.

Labels: Iraq Iran Israel Stealth Concussion Bomb Afghanistan Nuclear
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