Thursday, February 21, 2008

Robo-Cindy, Vicki & CACI

Cindy McCain is very pissed off at the NY Times.
She is also apparently a Terminator robot from the future!
Alleged Washington D.C. "lobbyist" Vicki Iseman has (had?) some good clients; Telemundo, PAXTV and CACI International among others.
CACI, as many of you know, is accused of training interrogators in the War on Terror including those fun-loving kids at Abu Ghraib and CIA Black Sites around the world. Some would characterize them as torturers, but I leave that to the experts and their former employees who are slowly revealing just how far we have wandered away from being the moral center of the universe and have become little more than a disinterested observer to such ephemeral ideas like 'Human Rights'.

Check out this video: Robo-Cindy?

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UPDATE: Vicki Iseman graduated in 1990 from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a degree in 'elementary education', the perfect field to 'educate' politicians, who are so like elementary school students, naive and simple nose-pickers. Perhaps it's time to go back to 3rd grade and actually put that education to good use instead of trying to game the system and ruin people?



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