The car club "Industry"?
I used to be in a car club, The Black Knights of Massachusetts. We attended a car show and the guy at the registration booth was surprised we were white! Anyway, the club collapsed under some not so strange circumstances, it became a haven for complainers and malcontents and our meetings devolved into bickering over what font to use for the cruise night flyer and other nonsense. So, in describing this situation years later to some car loving chums I blurted out something about the "car club industry". They looked at me funny as they had never heard it put that way before, but there is in America (and around the world), many businesses who derive their profits from servicing the many car clubs around. These folks get up at the crack of early and polish their rides using some companies products, they get soffee and breakfast on the way, they pay an admission fee to park in the hot sun all day long and they then buy lunch, and maybe a new part for their car from the various vendors who habitually travel around hawking their wares. The love for the automobile will endure long after the gasoline powered internal combustion engine goes the way of the dinosaur. When I have a 240kV fuel cell in my car, why not 'hot rod' ir and bump it up to 380kV? Happy motoring!
Labels: car club industry hot rods
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