"I'm a kook too!"

I LOVE online news... instead of the filtered and watered down for the masses national news we can now be narrowcasted to by the locals who know the stories best.
Akin to the guy on Cape Cod who worked for the newspaper that had all the nitty-gritty details on Chappaquiddick, Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969, and as those laboring away in Wassilla Alaska know where the bodies are buried in Sarah Palin's backyard, Nick Coleman of the Minneapolis Star Tribune lets the rest of us know all about their favorite girl - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann aka Joe McCarthy's illegitimate grand-daughter! Nick goes all the way back to german WWI ace pilot Max Immelman to get the allusion just right...
"An Immelmann is a precise aerobatic maneuver in which an airplane performs a half-roll to reverse its direction. A Bachmann is sloppier but more spectacular: To perform a Bachmann, a candidate for Congress puts her foot in her mouth, talks stupidly for seven minutes and watches her reelection campaign burst into flames."
To add fuel to the fire, supporters of her Democratic opponent have been dumping cash contributions into his campaign coffers in order to Negate the Hate! God Bless Amerika y'all!
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