We're Back!
Hello Blogosphere! We tried to Blog in the spring but there was some weird Google sign-in log-in scam deal that when we tried to do it the computer just froze up and we laughed and laughed and cursed the darkness and, uh, well... anyway, we Blogged elsewhere until Homeland Security shut us down for allegedly helping support some sort of crypto-fascist Left-wing "death squad" that got their marching orders from a disgruntled faction of Federal agents based here in Boston using dead drops and coded messages in steganography, so look closely at those cheezy JPGs people send you because if you open them up using the right kind of editor and run that gibberish through PGP, you get "secret messages".
Anyway, there I was in the local laundromat minding my own business when the place was "invaded" by some skethcy Central American types. Now I know you know I had that gut instinct idea to shake them down for "Green Cards" and make a Citizen's Arrest, which is fine here in Mass. as long as you actually have the suspected miscreant "dead to rights", but if you don't remember you can be jailed for "false imprisonment", so be careful out there aspiring street vigilantes! Anyway... there they go eating nacho cheese chips out of a bag and slicing up a lime right there on top of a washer and... the one guy takes out a small bottle of cheapie tequila and they go at it for 5 minutes straight before noticing me and offering me a pull. I politely declined the offer and smiled. Remember the "Frito Bandito" that oh-so politically incorrect corporate shill for Fritos?

The swarthy bandoliered six gun shooting lover of Frito flavor? Well, these guys could have been his cousins, or at least extras in a "spaghetti western". I love life in the Big City!
Labels: Homeland Security Steganography PGP Tequila Green Cards Frito Bandito Swarthy Immigrants Limes
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