Sunday, December 10, 2006

ne Plus Ultra

There is truly nothing better than the Sunday morning media barrage on network TV, being so close to the "holidays" which of course means Christmas and the lesser observances of the season...
I at times fancy myself to be a neo-traditionalist, as in, we should adapt those that work and unceremoniously discard those that do not - or lack relevance.
This AM we got up, made a pot of java from beans procured from the 1369 Coffee House in beautiful Inman Square and turned on the tube... "You're soaking in it!!!"

We watched the NBC Weekend Today show with Lester Holt and Campbell Brown...
Which reminds me, I did the Reporter Fluff piece on my TV show and folks I have shown it to love it and want more... I got the sreeen grabs (captures) from this odd archive for the cable news obsessed = Reporter Caps
Anyway, the show was one long commercial for various things so the "news" segments looked somewhat like news but were actually advertisements. The worst had to be the sexism infused mess that included Ms. Brown behind the wheel of a new Lexus with auto-parallel park robo-control. They somehow were unable to get it to do what they wanted, so who knows if Lexus will get their money back. What? You don't think they pay for these kind of product placements? Sheesh!
It always seems to be about 5 minutes away from amateur hour on TV...

9AM rolls around and the waffle batter is resting so on comes the CBS Sunday Morning ordeal which we call, Church for Athiests...! Which made the story of artificial Christmas trees all the weirder when we saw the establishing shot outside a kitschy purveyor of holiday crapola with a huge sign that read, "Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland" of Frankenmuth Michigan. We look at each other and are stunned... CHRISTmas? WTF?
Dorky Bill Geist goes on to do his silly thing poking fun at LED lights and PVC trees, YAWN!
Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland
Oy Vey!

Click on "About Us" and you will read this creepy explanation for their name...
-The joy of Christ's birth is celebrated all year at Bronner's - whose motto is: "Enjoy CHRISTmas, It's HIS birthday; Enjoy Life, It's HIS way."
God bless us, everyone!
Some people think we are SO blessed it's the reason the rest of the world wants to blow us up so badly!



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