Yeah, this so-called TV "celebrity chef" is officially OVERexposed and has in my mind, jumped the proverbial shark.
Rachael Ray Sux!
So, I'd like to give a big Bloggo shout-out to the good folks at the above link, who have already done (way too well) what I wanted to do. I think the RR deal got out of control in the middle of the year when her saccharine mug was on every other dopey smiley happy-talk morning show on TV. Next, we are on our way to the NASCAR race up at NHIS in Loudon New Hampshire and we stopped off at Dunkin Donuts to get some coffee. There is a poster with crazy looking RayRay staring at me as if trying to will me to do her evil bidding, but I resisted. I didn't mention my aversion to her until later we passed a Dunkin's billboard and there she is again... Oy vey! Lord give me strength! I almost had a fit and blurted out, "That silly rotten twat!" as if I had Tourette's Syndrome or something. The guy driving was like, "Hey, uh what was that about?" I fumed, "Oh, that damn Rachael Ray is driving me nuts, she's way out of hand..." I was interrupted by one of the other race fans in the car who said, "That one, yeah, she's delish, ya know? I want to shut her up with my eight inches my manmeat in her friggin' mouth!" And I thought I had it bad, sheesh!
Next I'm in a waiting room and there is InStyle or InTouch or "Why the AlQaeda wants to destroy us" kind of trashy gossip rag and there is ever-perky Rachael Ray in the mag with all the details of her marriage, which may or may not be on the rocks. Echhh! Blechh! Ptooiee! Frazzz!
Anyway, last week I'm in the local suparmarket and I spy Rachaels smiling visage on a box of Triscuits, then, like some weird other worldly life-shaking event, her grating voice came over the store's PA system touting the many benefits of the salty crackers we used to throw at each other in disgust in the back of the station wagon if some silly adult tried to palm these pasty squares of crap off as an actual thing for kids to eat... "They're delish!" Yuk! But it gets worse and the store adds insult to injury by having a huge stack of her "magazine" at the check-out counter, it was all I could do not to set them rack on fire and roast up some Triscuits (made out of people, like Soylent Green and Necco Wafers) on her burning face from the cover!
I know there are defenders out there who have sensed she is a victim of some childhood abuse or suffers from low self-esteem and is a real people pleaser and approval seeker, which is no excuse in my book, she needs a psychological evaluation and some meds.
Labels: Rachael Ray Sucks Sux Overexposed Triscuits