For years I railed against the doctrinaire and dogmatic 'Conservatives' who were always cooking up new, diabolical and insidious ways to mess up our Democracy. Turns out there are those on the Left who are right there, back-to-back with the Right Wing Nuts that if one merely changes a few key hot button words around you have a mirror image of the other!
Christopher Buckley, son of Conservative scion William F. Buckley
was fired from the very publication his father created out of a sow's ear - the
National Review!
As a teen I saw the parody of it in the National Lampoon and they called it the National Socialist Review, meaning they are Nazis! Anyway...
He is voting for Obama and made the mistake of writing about it online for
The Daily Beast...
My main problem with Liberals is on gun control, hey, aren't they the only way to really protect yourself from the all those creepy "domestic terrorist religious fanatics"? And I mean the Christian Identity Movement (Neo-Nazi Skinheads) and the FLDS Mormans - not Muslims!
I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, I wanted Mrs. Linda Ronstadt and former California Governor Jerry Brown or at least a seasoned veteran Senator like Tom Harkin. Instead I voted twice for H. Ross Perot and when asked why I'd blink my eye with a wildly crazy tic as if I had been drugged and would answer, "Because he's the only one who knows the truth about the Mafia-CIA-POW-MIA Southeast Asian heroin cover-up!"
That would create an immediate cessation of further questioning!
I read with interest the book by
J. William Middendorf II, "A Glorious Disaster: Barry Goldwater's Presidential Campaign and the Origins of the Conservative Movement" and fell in love with that silly gang of Draft Goldwater types who thought they could beat the party apparatus at their own game!
The more things change the more they stay the same...
Good work Chris, your father would be proud of your flexible thinking!
Labels: Christopher Buckley National Review Daily Beast Barry Goldwater J. William Middendorf II H. Ross Perot William F. Buckley