OK, so I'm in a transit bus stuck in traffic in Harvard Sq. Cambridge MA due to construction causing an already constricted traffic flow into a nightmare when 2 lanes become 1.
I'm looking out the window ignoring the mothers feeding their childern "Orange Breakfast", meaning orange soda and orange artificially colored Cheezy Poofs! Yuk... no wonder they are all so ignorant, these little growing bastards need PROTEIN!
Anyway, as I peered out the filthy bus window and slowly passed by a bank, a clothing store, a drugstore and a coffee shop, I noticed something odd passing itself off as tediously normal. In each of those windows looking out onto the busy street rife with pedestrians numb to the visual assault on their eyeballs... I realized that those phony smiling faces that were in a studio photo shoot with commercial photograhpers being paid by the marketing departments of the companies desiring you to give them your money willingly, the real message was - All is Well.
Despite a scary economic downturn bordering on full-blown RECESSION, the faces of these models looked more like POW's at a staged propaganda session... "OK, stand there and smile, everything is OK, we feed you, you are not being tortured, right?"
All that was missing was one of them sending out in Morse code by blinking their eyes - "H-E-L-P" or, "S-O-S" or better yet... "L-I-E-S".
Labels: Recession Smiling People All Is Well Welfare Mothers Orange Breakfast Economic Downturn POW's