Editorilize behind the desk
I am a contrarian, I do not want to see CBS news pixie Katie Couric's legs, never did and never will. I am a notorious breast man. We need more buxom anchors! I actually wonder why we need to actually SEE these folks at all, their suits, jewelery and haircuts just get in the way of reporting facts.
I am particularly upset at the apparent negation of the long-standing tradition of a network news anchor taking the last minute or so to speak their mind and give a short and concise editorial on some subject worthy of mention in the zeitgeist. Out-sourcing and off-loading the editorial function of a newscast is a way to have ones cake and eat it too. It is a way to avoid shooting the messenger, of being accused of bias or slant. Having a smarmy segemnt labeled "freeSpeech" is actually disingenuous. Morgan Spurlock bracketed by Rush Limbaugh allows for quite a range of opinion to be expressed on the boob tube without any possible sanction, unlike Dan "Whats the frequency Kenneth?" Rather, Katie can appear to be merely a reader of words on a tele-prompter instead of a real journalist capable of differentiating fact from fiction, and on occasion ripping into the "powers that be".
The Hollywood Reporter review.
I also objected to their artificial constructs geared toward being "interactive", as in, go to our webpage and email me what I should say when I close the show! Of the over 20k suggestions, I hope more than half are unprintable in any format other than the wall of a rest stop bathroom!