Go see Syriana!
The film adaptation of Bob Baer's book "See No Evil" was a great movie. We saw it in Harvard Square and I had the feeling the matinee shows must be full of the good folks over at Cambridge Energy Research Associates right down the street catching up on their work!
Folks who at times look and act just like the character played by our very own Matt Damon! Maybe good old Dan Yergin, author of "The Prize", was that guy behind me loudly munching away on popcorn while George Clooney and William Hurt were whispering state secrets to each other in a similarly dimly lit movie house... however in THEIR theater folks actually knew how to act in public during the quiet scenes!
(How odd is that? Being in a movie theater watching folks on the screen in a movie theater?)
Baer is also the author of, "Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude", another great book that tells it like it is.
Now if only some brave soul would write a book or make a movie about the strange death of Salem bin Laden in Texas...!